
chased underwear, stockings, jewelry, cosmetics, shoes etc. and brought my purchases home. This started me off again, however, this time my cross-dressing was done secretly in my apartment. One weekend when visiting at home, I arranged to have all of the cartons of the clothing etc. I formerly wore, shipped to me. Having so much clothing necessitated my moving to a larger apart- ment with more closet space. However, I had locks put on all the closets to hide my "shame" from the woman who cleaned for me and from any visitors I might have. Whereas, during the years of 1929-1936 I was proud to be a girl, this period I am now speaking of 1940-1946 found me with a sense of embarassment and guilt.

The picture marked 1941 was taken during this period and came about in the following way. One evening while attending a cocktail party, I met a couple whom I found very interesting. We talked about everything under the sun, and how we got onto the subject of cross dressing I don't recall, but the wife told me that up until several years before her husband derived un- usual enjoyment from wearing feminine apparel. He indicated how tolerant whe was of him during this period, even helping him to dress and make up. To these people, I confessed I was guilty of the same "orime". They pointed out to me at great length that it wasn't a crime but a kind of "sickness" etc. and seemed so tolerant and interested that I told them my en- tire story. They suggested that I have dinner with them at their home the following evening, and if I wanted to "dress" it would be fine with them. I agreed.

The following evening I came home from work just oosing with excitement. I dressed rapidly but it took me a half hour to get up nerve to leave my apartment and walk to my car. I was deathly afraid of being seen and recognized by neighbors. Finally I left the apartment and sure enough I got an elevator with a man I knew from the floor above and my heart jumped. However, he didn't recognize me and I got to my car safely. I drove to my destination, parked the car, rang the doorbell and when my host answered the door he claimed amazement at the authenticity of my appearance, It was only when I talked in my natural voice that he believed me. Both he and his wife couldn't get over the fact that I was a man. They took pic- tures and gave me a set of which this is one.